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Pixels to rem conversion online

px to rem conversion


Since the CSS specification invented a new unit for font sizes, we can't use pixels anymore. So, how do you convert pixel values to rem? It's much easier than you think: just multiply the pixel value (px) by 16, and then divide it by 10.

rem = px/16/10;

With this online tool, all you have to do is write your pixel value in the box and click on "convert". You'll get the equivalent value in rem. You can convert as many values as you want.

If you want more information about CSS typography, read this article on CSS-Tricks; it explains everything I know about font sizes and units.

1.Set body font-size to 62.5%, which will set the base size to 10px (62.5% of 16px).

The first step to convert px to rem is to set the base font size. This can be done in CSS by setting the font-size property of the body element to 62.5%.

body {font-size: 62.5%} /* 10px */This will set the base font size to 10px (62.5% of 16px). You could also use any number as your base font size, just make sure you are consistent with it, for example:

body {font-size: 80%} /* 12.8px */Or:

body {font-size: 50%} /* 8px */

2.Divide your target pixel value by 10 or convert it manually using the formula above. For example, if you want to know the rem equivalent of 22px, here's how we'd convert it.

Now that you've followed the first step, it's time to use the equation to convert your target pixel value into rem. This will be easy-peasy! For example, say that you're looking for the rem equivalent of 22px. To convert this value, simply divide 22px by 10:

22px ÷ 10 = 2.2rem

22px = 22 / 10rem = 2.2rem

If you’re looking for the “rem” equivalent of 22px, the calculation is simple. All you have to do is divide 22 by 10 and you’ll get 2.2rem:

22px = 22 / 10rem = 2.2rem

And that's it! Now you know how to convert px to rem. and you can visit px to rem converter best simple free tool for all

3. Done! px to rem conversion is done!

The base size is 10px @62.5%. The formula is target px/10 = desired rem. For example: if you want to convert 25px to rem, the rem value would be 2.5rem because 25px/10 = 2.5rem Easy, right? Well, there are some cases where it gets complicated...

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